Divine Sister Advanced Alchemy Crystal Bowl 7 inch E +15


≗ Alchemy Bowl Energetic Signature ≗

Divine Sister Advanced Alchemy - Solar Plexus Bowl

Service of the Heart
Contains: Ruby, Diamond, White Gold, Kyanite, Pink Aura Gold, Palladium and Silver

Expressing the sisterly energies of support and friendship within the Divine Family Bowl gallery. Divine Sister is a loving and joyful expression of what it means to be in true sisterhood, strengthening bonds of encouragement and truth.

Our Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls™ are made by Crystal Tones in U.S.A of the highest quality (99.9%) quartz crystal, the finest gemstones and precious metals making them incredibly resonant. The tones produced by crystal bowls are not just heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy centers (chakras) for healing, balancing & meditation. Hearing mesmerising sounds of the crystal bowls awaken an ancient remembering, touching the essence of the soul. The bowls emit a powerful, pure resonance.

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