Carnelian, Aqua Aura Gold Crystal Bowl 8" A#-25

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Alchemy Crystal Bowl Energetic Signature

Sexual Balance
For those intending to build confidence, courage, and passion within themselves, the Carnelian alchemy works to activate the first, second and third chakras, bringing an influx of life force, sexual and creative energies and assertive will. Confidence, divine sexuality and movement into higher chakras to create passion in one's relationships and life work are the results of Carnelian frequency work. As one expands their awareness, a merging of the sexual with the spiritual without judgment of concepts or beliefs is allowed to occur, opening the flow of one's core sexual energy and moving it into the Christ energy frequency. Serving our inner beloved first and then serving others with an open willingness, free from ego makes Carnelian a potent tool to help clear competitive energy and empower both of the beloveds, thereby enhancing awareness of the Divine connection. This clearing of negative patterns in relationships offers access to the higher available frequencies, cultivating an awareness of the truth that vulnerability is actually power.

Aqua Aura Gold
Transcendent Male
A psychic center and yang alignment activator, it deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras. Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results in an entirely new, elevated aqua-opalescent healing vibration.

Included with every bowl :
1 silicon mallet
O ring

All our bowls are genuine Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls™ made by Crystal Tones®. Made with the highest quality (over 99.99% pure) quartz crystal, they are blended with other elements including precious gems and minerals. Every bowl is unique and possesses an authentic quality of living presence derived from a proprietary quartz fusion technology. This technology produces a stable crystalline matrix structure in every bowl. Thus the bowls produce the purest sound, and are visually captivating works of art.''

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