Divine Blissful Transformation Tall Alchemy Crystal Bowl 7"C#+25

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7"C#+25 Divine Blissful Transformation Tall Alchemy Crystal Bowl


Chakra: Root/ Cervix
Endocrine Point: Gonads
Soul Path Number: 7
Themes: Themes: Finding Bliss in Transformation​​​​​​​​⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This exquisite advanced Alchemy is a blend of:
Larimar, Frankincense, Rhodochrosite, Carnelian, Platinum

A divine combination of alchemies that help create an alignment of Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit in a most gentle and loving energy. A crystalline expression of the embodiment of your soulful self. Enhancing transformation and deepening the connection to the divine feminine.


Wisdom of Atlantis

Larimar is only found in the Dominican Republic and is considered to have arisen from the time of Atlantis and is often referred to as the ‘Atlantis Stone.’ The Larimar can open a gateway for retrieving the wisdom from these times of evolution. Some say that the Atlantians were a civilisation advanced in their state of consciousness, masculine essence, living esoteric wisdom and advanced technology. The Larimar Alchemy™ is felt to hold the coding for the the awakened masculine, the lessons learned and wisdom lived. Larimar also assists in identifying self-imposed limitations and self-sabotaging behaviour, and encourages taking control of one's life. It is particularly in bringing about a sense of peace in truthfulness.

Larimar holds the coding for the awakened masculine and the wisdom learned from ancient civilizations. It encourages self-discovery and taking control of one's life, bringing a sense of peace and truthfulness.

The Platinum within this crystal singing bowl stimulates the divine feminine, providing relief from stress and depression while aligning the intuitive emotional body. With its stunning pastel rainbow elegance, this alchemical crystal bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath, offering a calming, steadying, and grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance.

Whether you're using it for meditation, sound therapy, or a sacred union celebration, the Larimar & Platinum Crystal Singing Bowl is the perfect tool to tap into ancient wisdom, balance your energy, and elevate your spiritual practice. Order now and experience the power of this unique and beautiful singing bowl.


Connecting Heaven & Earth

Connection - non-duality - unconditional love

Elevating personal and spiritual love, Frankincense heightens awareness by inspiring and awakening our spiritual senses. Transforming and expanding our consciousness; Frankincense accelerates spiritual growth as it opens the crown chakra, causing the energy body to align within the physical.

Between Heaven and Earth there are we humans, in our human experience called life in our beautiful bodies. This alchemy reminds us that there is this place of non-duality within this place of unconditional love. Let your bright light shine


Heart Harmony

For the purification of one's emotional body, the intense energy rooted in Rhodochrosite amplifies and intensifies joy, and the action of loving oneself fully through the expansion in awareness of one's inner beauty.

In helping us to face our deepest secrets, this alchemy assists in the process of rediscovering the playfulness of our inner child, allowing us to drop the extra emotional weight that has been holding us down.

The energy of self-forgiveness and confidence is embodied in Rhodochrosite, allowing for the activation of positive attributes in our life of habits. As attention moves toward the blockages that we now choose to shift, one can release the suffering connected to past lives, and begin to recall forgotten talents. Anxiety will wain as stress is relieved and the aura is cleansed.

Rhodochrosite nurtures one's capacity for tender love, and wholeness energy integrates into the awareness of the subconscious. On the physical level, Rhodochrosite improves eyesight along with pancreas, spleen and kidney function.


Sexual Balance

For those intending to build confidence, courage, and passion within themselves, the Carnelian alchemy works to activate the first, second and third chakras, bringing an influx of life force, sexual and creative energies and assertive will. Confidence, divine sexuality and movement into higher chakras to create passion in one's relationships and life work are the results of Carnelian frequency work. As one expands their awareness, a merging of the sexual with the spiritual without judgment of concepts or beliefs is allowed to occur, opening the flow of one's core sexual energy and moving it into the Christ energy frequency. Serving our inner beloved first and then serving others with an open willingness, free from ego makes Carnelian a potent tool to help clear competitive energy and empower both of the beloveds, thereby enhancing awareness of the Divine connection. This clearing of negative patterns in relationships offers access to the higher available frequencies, cultivating an awarness.


Divine Feminine

Pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in our yin energy Platinum Crystal Bowl that stimulates the Divine Feminine, relieves stress and depression and aligns the intuitive emotional body. This stunning alchemical crystal bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmoniser/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration.

We are very happy to answer your questions and to help!

All our Bowls are the unique high quality CRYSTAL TONES® SINGING BOWLS from CRYSTAL TONE

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