Great Salt Lake Salt Violet Aura Gold, Lemon Aura Gold, Platinum Bowl 7" E - 30

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Alchemy Bowl Energetic Signature

The Great Salt Lake
Grieving Process Support

A brand new alchemy with mineral rich salts from the Great Salt Lake, Utah, the home city of Crystal Tones. Great Salt Lake alchemy is rich in a multitude of minerals including magnesium, potassium and lithium. A companion to ease grief, loss and depression, this pure alchemy also brings the caring, gentle and comforting energies of the Divine Mother, an alchemy of great cleansing, detoxification, and renewal.

Lemon Aura Gold

High frequency with the gold brings in activation of your personal power, within a gentle, loving presence and all that is. This bowl creates a light, uplifting and centering presence and frequency - it holds the light of the sun, your inner sun and your heart.

Violet Aura Gold
All Is One

Through Violet Flame Alchemy comes the wisdom of ascension by supporting the embodiment of high vibrational Source Energy in our physical body. Holding the energy of Divinity in action through our humanness, this energy combines with ruby and diamond, white gold, kyanite and silver to create a rich tapestry which helps us connect to our true magnificence, the divinity in our humanity.

Included with every bowl :
1 silicon mallet
O ring

All our bowls are genuine Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls™ made by Crystal Tones®. Made with the highest quality (over 99.99% pure) quartz crystal, they are blended with other elements including precious gems and minerals. Every bowl is unique living presence derived from a proprietary quartz fusion technology. This technology produces a stable crystalline matrix structure in every bowl. Thus the bowls produce the purest sound, and are visually captivating works of art.

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