Great Salt Lake Salt, Smokey Quartz, Aqua Aura Gold Alchemy Crystal Bowl 7 inch G+10

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Great Salt Lake Salt, Smokey Quartz, Aqua Aura Gold Alchemy Crystal Bowl 7 inch G+10

This is a triple Alchemy advanced Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls by Crystal Tones

Chakra : Throat & Heart
Soul Path Number: 3


≗ Alchemy Singing Bowl Energetic Signature ≗​​​​​​​​


The Great Salt Lake
Grieving Process Support

A brand new alchemy with mineral rich salts from the Great Salt Lake, Utah, the home city of Crystal Tones. Great Salt Lake alchemy is rich in a multitude of minerals including magnesium, potassium and lithium. A companion to ease grief, loss and depression, this pure alchemy also brings the caring, gentle and comforting energies of the Divine Mother, an alchemy of great cleansing, detoxification, and renewal.

Earth Connection

The Smoky Quartz Bowl promotes positive mental and spiritual thinking and the art of staying grounded and balanced. This bowl works the solar plexus chakra for creativity and planting one’s roots in the rich soil of the Earth. Serene Smokey Quartz energies encourage centredness, joy, cooperation and clarity and are a Golden Brown Rainbow of Earth Tones for the coming of the Crystal People to planet Earth, according to Hopi prophecy.

Aqua Aura Gold
Transcendent Male

A psychic center and yang alignment activator, it deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras. Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results in an entirely new, elevated aqua-opalescent healing vibration.


This bowl comes with complimentary ring and a silicon mallet for sound healing. DM Ewelina for recording and experience the power of this unique and beautiful singing bowl.


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