Indigo Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl 9" A#+35

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Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Energetic Signature

A quantum-healing instrument, the Indigo crystal singing bowl links the pituitary gland and skeletal system, helps clear the mind and frees the past. It invokes the master within and gives clarity to psychic abilities and speaking one's truth. The Indigo carries a Third Eye vibration of those who are fully realised at birth - natural spiritual teachers. It assists them in aligning with Earth energies. This alchemy crystal singing bowl is perfect for Indigo children/adults and for visualising global peace.

included with every singing bowl :
1 silicon mallet
O ring

All our bowls are genuine Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls™ made by Crystal Tones®. Made with the highest quality (over 99.99% pure) quartz crystal, they are blended with other elements including precious gemstones, rare earths and precious metals. Every bowl is unique living presence and produces a unique and the purest crystalline sound.

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